Just This Side of Heaven : A Concert by Tai Chi Gung Master David Paul featuring original music for violin and piano.

David has learned to draw the chi or life force up from the earth and project it through the music as he plays. He records the piano part first and then adds violin during the concerts. To help audiences connect more deeply throughout the evening, each piece also features the Nature photos and videos that inspired the music in the first place.

Master Paul is the only certified Tai Chi Gung Master of Lao Tzu’s 3000 year unbroken lineage living in the United States. He has been practicing daily for more than 36 years, teaching classes, working wiith private students and leading seminars for 25 years. David is the director of teacher training in North America for his mentor Master Lama Rasaji.

To bring a Concert with Master David Paul to your city, studio or organization, please contact us through the online form. We look forward to speaking with you soon.

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